
Carleigh Pope Elected to NOMA KC Executive Board
BNIMer Carleigh Pope, Assoc. AIA was recently nominated to the National Organization of Minority Architects Kansas City (NOMA KC) Executive Board. NOMA KC’s mission is to champion diversity, multicultural design professionals and allied organizations who desire to influence the greater community by advancing the profile of minority design professionals and multicultural business interests.
“Growing up and wanting to be an architect, I rarely saw people in the design world that looked like or shared the same background as me. My goal is to break down the obstacles that people of color and other minorities face in the field of architecture. One way of doing so is having representation and showing the upcoming generations that there are no specific rules; you don’t have to look or be a certain way to design the world around you.”
Carleigh also served as a design mentor for the NOMA KC Project Pipeline Camp that took place in early August. Her passion for growing diversity in the field of architecture, planning and design directly align with the mission and philosophy of NOMA KC, which will help her create a welcoming space for minority architects and lead community efforts of the organization in her new role on the board.