
Jonathan Ramsey Participates as Panelist for Project515: Office Outlook Virtual Discussion
BNIM Associate Principal, Jonathan Ramsey participated as a panelist in the Des Moines Business Record Project515: Office Outlook virtual discussion on Friday, August 13. Panelists discussed how remote work has changed the nature of the work environment and use – lack of use – of office space. This group of experts shared their experience and outlook on office vacancies and how this might affect the larger business ecosystem, particularly in downtown Des Moines. Jonathan discussed how office spaces are now being designed to adapt to new working environments, including elements such as hybrid workspaces, better connection between virtual and in-person through use of technology, inclusion of purpose-driven spaces, and smaller collaboration spaces.
Carrie Kruse – economic development administrator, city of Des Moines
Bill Wright – senior vice president, CBRE|Hubbell
Adam Kaduce – senior vice president, R&R Realty Group
Siri Fliehler – registered interior designer, Shive-Hattery
Jonathan Ramsey – associate principal, BNIM
Brian Crowe – executive vice president, economic development, Greater Des Moines Partnership